Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer is in Full Swing!

I am not doing a great job of keeping up with our Blog. It seems like since we got back from DC there just hasn't been any "down time". So far it feels like all we are doing is packing, unpacking or doing laundry.
After our camping trip, we were home for a few days and then Em was off with the Middle School church group on a retreat. After she got back we had a week and then we were packing again for Michael's camp. I chaperoned and Emily tagged along and was picked up by Gram and Gramps for a few days there.
After we got back, I slept and took naps and took naps and slept! It hit me harder than I thought! However, I believe a good time was had by all. We had no illnesses this time!
Since we've been back we've been working out at the "Y" and swimming and doing music lessons. Emily is still continuing her voice lessons. Her teacher came out yesterday and said that "Emily had a breakthrough". She said that sometimes it takes people 2-3 years to do it, but Emily did it in 2 weeks! I'm still not sure what the "breakthrough" was, and Emily couldn't really explain it either. It has something to do with using your head and chest voice. She's not sure how she did it, so that have to figure that out next week...

Michael started guitar lessons today. He said that his instructor is "awesome". I'm guessing he's referring to how he plays, although, he did have really cool long hair. I was Googling him and he's written several guitar books and has played in a couple of bands.
I guess that's all for now. I'll try to be better about blogging. Don't give up on us. Hope everyone who reads this is having a great summer! We'll be in touch!

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