Saturday, February 21, 2009

The 5th grade Presidential Program

Michael's 5th grade program was this week. For those of you who don't know the story, the 5th grade class does this huge project/musical presentation each year about all the president's of the United States. They are assigned a president or first lady, have to research that person, write a paper, prepare a speech and get items from that time period. Then it ends with their play and display of all they have gathered.We knew about this project when we were in DC. We were debating whether we should buy a book about the presidents when we were there. Well, it wouldn't have helped, because Michael was assigned a Vice President. There were more boys than presidents. He was SO bummed. He said "Mom, he's not even a Republican!".

Anyway, Michael was chosen to be Walter Mondale. We googled his email address and they ended up emailing each other Friday a week ago. Michael thought that was cool. Modale was VP in the 70s so we went to Goodwill and found some plaid polyester pants. I had a K-Tel album from the 70s and a fondue pot. Their program was cute. Nobody passed out. Hopefully, we'll get a DVD of it, because my video did not turn out - or course.

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