Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dnow weekend

We are in the midst of Dnow weekend for the middle and high schoolers at church. It's kind of like a mini summer camp. The kids stay in homes and meet for worship at church. Friday they had the opening at church and found out which home they were staying in. There are 11-13 kids at each home. After worship they headed to their host home and had small group sessions with their group leader. Some are college students, others are out of college and working. Then it was supposed to be lights out, but Em informed me she stayed up until 5:00 am. That was a great decision!

Saturday they had more small group sessions and then all met for rec time and lunch. After that we were back to church for worship and then our group went to the nursing home and delivered flowers. Em got to see Ms. Eda again. She has visited with her a couple of times at this nursing home. Then back home for another small group session. 2 of the homes hosting 7th grade girls met up at one home and we had a chocolate fountain and they played games. Then back to the host home for a one on one session with their group leader. Hopefully they got some sleep last night!
I did not host, but I am driving for it. I have probably put 200 + miles on my car in 36 hours. I'm getting ready to go back out to the house and help load up the girls for church. Their closing session is this morning.

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