Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pepper and The Boy

MG and Pepper started taking a 4H dog obedience class about 7 weeks ago. They went every week for an hour and learned sit, lie down, come, stay and heel. He took over feeding Pepper at home and has been practicing with her 3 or 4 times a week. They have really bonded. It's so cute when she hears the bus coming. She'll sit at the back door and pace or cry until he is in the house.
Tonight MG and Pepper had their testing. On a whim, MG took the written test before the obedience portion of the program began. AFTER 2 HOURS of waiting, he finally had the obedience test. They both passed AND Michael got 3rd place ribbon for the "skillathon" which was the written test. Needless to say, we were all shocked!
It was a long, but successful evening. They start agility training in the Fall - maybe...

1 comment:

Tori said...

Gooooooooooooooo Michael!!!
tori <3